Mobile: 20 sen/min
Mobile: FREE
Mobile: FREE
Mobile: FREE
All Unifi package must include 6% ST.
What’s Included ?
Installation & Activation
Wireless Router
What is UniFi Advance?
UniFi Advance is the all new bundled triple play service offering that offers High Speed Internet, Voice and HyppTV (IPTV) services for residential customers.
UniFi is a High Speed Fibre Broadband (HSBB) service based on the latest fiber optic (fully digital) and Very High Speed DSL (VHDSL) technologies by TM – Telekom Malaysia. TM UniFi signifies oneness (Uni) and fibre optics (Fi) and it is aptly named so as UniFi provides not only High Speed Broadband of up to 20Mbps, but it also includes Internet Protocol TV (IPTV which named as HyppTV) as well as Voice (or telephony) service – all for one price!
TM UniFi offers 3 different UniFi packages for Home and Business with download and upload speed of 5Mbps, 10Mbps and 20Mbps. This means you get the same speed for both download and upload – a huge advantage especially when you want to share documents or files with huge file size (e.g. video). Unlike TMnet Streamyx which has lower upload speed. It can save you hours and ultimately increase your productivity!
Why UniFi?
TM Unifi is the backbone provider for fibre broadband services in Malaysia.
Enjoy the best online experience as never before compare to TMnet Streamyx. Watch Youtube videos in peace, you can watch High Definition videos without buffering. Download huge files within fraction of the time you need previously, run Windows updates 20X* faster than before (TMnet Streamyx). Video Skype your friends and have jitter-free video conversations. Tune in to Facebook and watch the photos and videos literally pop out instantly.
Here is the link to : Unifi Home Fibre Registration or Unifi Business Fibre Registration